![Restaurant Etiquette]()
Restaurant Etiquette
WoofBeach Cove – Restaurant Etiquette Training for Dogs – 462 North Park Boulevard – Suite 100 – Glen Ellyn – Call 630-315-0600
Enroll your dog in restaurant etiquette training class available now at WoofBeach Cove! Your canine friend will learn helpful obedience commands that will help make him or her much easier to control and remain relaxed at pet-friendly restaurants.
Call WoofBeach Cove to sign up or just stop in with your dog to learn more about this enjoyable and useful training at 462 North Park Boulevard in Glen Ellyn.
A few practical tips to consider if you’re planning to bring your dog to a pet-friendly restaurant are:
-Keep your dog on a leash at all times. Preferably a leash that’s no longer than four feet.
-Bring something to keep your pup occupied. It’s asking a lot to expect a dog to wait patiently for an hour or more in a noisy location around lots of people and lots of food. That’s why it’s useful to bring a few snacks or chew toys to help your dog busy.